Japanese Dictionary Android App

Topic: Android Apps, Date: 19/07/2015


This android app was made as a follow up from the Japanese Dictionary website. It was made so that I can access the Japanese site from anywhere and check against any words that I have learnt. This is really useful for me as I can check whether or not I have encountered a word before and whether or not I should recall the meaning. If the word is not in the dictionary, I can add it with ease. The app also supports editing and deleting words that have already been inserted into the dictionary. In order to find a word to perform an edit on, you can use the search bar.

The app was a great way to start learning android development after dabbling with it a few years before. However due to the way that the web framework was set up, I cannot give out copies of the app, as the dictionary can be edited without a need to login. Therefore, a future project I might make is a dictionary site that can be used as a personal dictionary for anyone who creates an account, along with sharing capabilities. This could be a great help to groups of people who are learning the same new language for example in a classroom situation.

The overall design of the app could have been better as at the moment it looks a little plain and doesn’t really draw much attention to itself as it is mostly plain text with a small color palette. The app was also not very well optimized as the dictionary was updated as soon as a new word was entered, meaning that the word list would reload when anything in the dictionary changes. In the future, I will make sure to create a more substantial plan for the app and corresponding web applications.


A screenshot of the search screen of the app A screenshot of the applications home page